IT’S NOT ALWAYS A BAD THING TO STAY IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE but the important point is that you are aware that you are doing it ….and take an educated and informed DECISION, to stay there… or to move away from it.

Many times we tend to stay in the Comfort Zone (CZ) in a passive way, so we let circumstances take decisions for us…. rather than taking control of our life.

But if you actively choose to stay there for a while, in a certain area of your life or with a specific issue, you’re taking a conscious decision.

You might decide to stay there, until you get enough “ground” and alignment to break the inertia, get more information, or you may just want to accept it temporarily, rather than fighting it…(and regroup your energy for a future action step)

I have coached individuals that after balancing the pros and cons chose to stay in the CZ for a while…and few decided that the task at hand was not worth the efforts. But it was a conscious and educated CHOICE!

Here follow some few questions that might help in your decision:

  1. Which are the pains I am I trying to avoid by staying in my CZ?
  2. Which are the pains/ struggles that I will need to carry-on with if I don’t move away from my Comfort Zone?
  3. What are the benefits I am getting by staying in the CZ?
  4. What is the cost now, and what will it be in 1-year time, if I don’t move forward?
  5. What are the potential gains I might be missing, if I don’t take action now and rather stay in the CZ?

Some few honest answers might help you take the best decision.